We don't know who we are until we see what we can do.
Martha Grimes
Master Fitness Trainer
and Certified Health Coach
“You know you’re never going to look like Arnold." This is what gym owner John Scott said to me with a sly smile on his face. Those words launched what has become an over 30 year love affair with working out. I am proud to say that I am and always will be a “gym rat!"​
Many years ago my wife co-owned an aerobics studio next door to a bodybuilding gym called Iron Unlimited. On my way to her studio, I would pass this gym without going in. Now this was no ordinary gym. This was a SERIOUS bodybuilding gym. Even its name was serious. No frills, just women and men working their butts off. Often times the big front windows would steam up from their exertions.
Finally one day I decided to stop in. The walls were lined with pictures and posters of famous bodybuilders and successful local competitors. On one wall hung a poster of Arnold’s Schwarzenegger, Mr. Universe. John Scott, the owner and I started talking. I told him that I didn’t want to look like Arnold.
That’s when he told me not to worry because I never would. He didn’t say this to humiliate me. What he was saying was that I probably would not be willing to pay the price that it took to become a Mr. Universe. Even though I went on to become a successful amateur bodybuilder (and got my picture on the gym wall) John was right. I never became Mr. Universe, but I was ok with that.
For over two decades as a trainer and health coach, I have used many of the lessons learned at Iron Unlimited to help my clients achieve their goals. Things like having a big “Why”, setting goals, not being afraid to work out hard, having fun, the power of focus, building community and how to lose weight and keep it off.
Becoming an ACE Certified Trainer and Certified Health Coach has given me the opportunity to serve others and improve their lives as I share my passion for and knowledge of fitness and wellness. It is a blessing to help them become a better version of their present selves. You might be wondering, “What’s the difference between a trainer and a health coach.” Go to my page titled Trainer vs Health Coach for an explanation.
As an over 65 year old trainer, I especially enjoy working with older clients because I understand them. Older clients don’t want to be babied. They want to be seen as capable and ALIVE!! Working with younger clients is a blast. It’s fun watching their confidence and knowledge grow. Regardless of their ages, my clients push themselves and can count on a few laughs along the way.
I’ve thanked John Scott many times for starting me on my journey. In fact, John eventually asked me to train clients at his gym. It’s been an honor to work with so many clients over the years. They know we’re working together to get the job done. They also know that we will share many laughs along the way. Even John Scott would be approve of this!

My Vision
My mission is to help you improve yourself both physically and mentally so that you can live life to the fullest!