Feeling any stress today?
Stress is something we’re hardwired to respond to as a species. It’s seen as a threat to our physical or psychological health. Stress motivated our ancestors to haul ass when they became the target of predators. Pain is a type of stress that tells us to remove our hands from hot objects or to seek medical help.
Under stress, nerves in our autonomic nervous system jump into action. Anxiety, heartbeat, blood glucose levels and perspiration all increase. Blood rushes to vital organs so that our bodies can get ready for some serious action. Cortisol, one of our “fight or flight” hormones, is released in case we need to run or stand and fight. When the threat or stressor is out of the picture, we chill.
Unfortunately, today our minds and bodies are under constant attack from stress. This stress is insidious because it’s always there and we never get a break from it. Poor health is a manifestation of constant, low level stress that eventually kills us. Having our body bombarded with constant cortisol production results in:
· weight gain
· anxiety
· trouble sleeping
· depression
· heart disease
· memory and concentration problems
· headaches
· digestion problems
The need to “chill” is real!

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your level of stress today (with one being “I’m so chill right now I could fall asleep,” and ten being “I’m about to lose my sh*t”)? During these troubling times, it’s not uncommon to swing between the two extremes in the same day! With coronavirus, protests, social media, twitter and the news on 24-7, it can be pretty hard to remain chill.
What can you do daily to reduce mental and physical stress? Eating a plant-based, whole food diet is an excellent way to fortify your mind and body. You don’t have to go vegan do so. Start by adding fruit and plenty of veggies of various colors to your usual meals. Exercise of any kind is a known stress buster. So hit the gym or take a walk. Yoga and meditation have been used for centuries to calm the mind. Here’s a radical idea – TURN OFF YOUR TV!
If you’re feeling really stressed right now try this. Close your eyes and imagine being in a place that’s peaceful and calming. Perhaps it’s on the beach with the sounds of the ocean in the background, or in the mountains with the wind whispering through the trees. Or, maybe it’s just a quiet room where only your heartbeat is heard. Transport yourself there. How does your body feel? Who are you with? What are you doing? What are you thinking about? Are you thinking of nothing at all, just enjoying the stillness?

A couple of days ago, I returned from a relaxing trip in the mountains, spending time with family and friends. I absolutely LOVE the mountains. The wind through the pine trees sounds like the ocean. As I inhale the smells of the forest around me, I feel connected to the earth in an almost primordial way. For me, the forest is instantly calming. Whether sitting on the porch for hours or walking forest trails, it's like being in heaven!
If I looked on my cellphone, I could see that the world hadn’t changed. The forest had changed me. It allowed me to be in the moment, mindful of the power and beauty of nature around me. The stress of the world receded and I was left to just “be.”
Now I’m back home with social media, 24 hour news, coronavirus and protests. When I find my stress level climbing, I think of my forest trip. I recall the whisper of the wind through the trees, the smell of pine cones and the feel of the forest beneath my feet. This was the “chill pill” that I so desperately needed.
So how about you? When the world closes in on you and you’re about to lose your sh*t, what helps you chill? With your mental and physical health at stake, this is no small matter. Stress can be like a good friend reminding you to take a needed action. Then again, constant stress can be like the silent killer in a movie, stalking an unwitting victim.
When the world becomes too much, we all need to get away, if only for just a few moments. That’s when we need to reach for our “chill pill.” What’s yours?

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